CLEP and DSST Equivalents

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View and download the lists below to identify which courses are CLEP and DSST equivalents for St. Edward鈥檚 University undergraduate credit.


Credit granted by examination applies to a St. Edward鈥檚 University degree program but may not necessarily be transferable to another institution. Examination credit counts in neither the residence hours nor honors calculations. It is necessary to make arrangements to complete all CLEP and DSST exams before certification for graduation. All examination credit appears on the transcript as CR and does not affect the GPA in any way.

Students entering St. Edward鈥檚 University as first-time freshmen must take at least one semester of freshman writing on campus regardless of their CLEP College Composition score. 

To see if you are eligible to take a CLEP or DSST exam, please speak with your Success Coach. 

Please remember, the information provided in these documents is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.